Weny and I got engaged! I proposed last Thursday night after she got back from her friend’s place for dinner. I struggled over the last few months to find a way to propose and having the ring sitting idly in the back of my mind was also weighing on me. Getting the ring was a challenge itself since shipping delays caused it to come much later than expected. Keeping the ring discreet was also a challenge since we’ve been spending so much time together since the pandemic started. Most people would say too much time together. There were times where we drove each other crazy, but getting engaged was always my goal this year. COVID-19 just delayed the inevitable and challenged me to find a way to surprise Weny.
The time we spent together made the proposal a challenge, especially since she had wanted to go somewhere romantic. That being said, it would have been impossible to surprise her if I had been like, “Let’s go to a nice beach to see the sunset.” Weny would have responded, "Why? Are you going to propose?" I wanted to go for the surprise, so I decorated a picnic blanket with lights, flowers, our playlist, and photos for when she got back, which was reminiscent of our second date. Although she realized what was going on immediately after seeing the lights, part of her reaction was denial due to the surprise. There was also some disappointment about not doing it somewhere more scenic, but I guess not everything can go perfectly all the time.

Finally got her.
The rest of the night was spent trying to get some good pictures, which resulted in mostly bad pictures and telling as many people as we could before it got too late. Proposing was definitely a fear I had for a long time because of the commitment of it all. I didn’t really think too much about marriage until Weny came along. I really thought that there was a possibility that I would have remained forever single for the longest time. I’ve spent years watching friends get into serious relationships, get engaged, get married, and have kids. I was slowly losing friends due to their availability and commitments not to mention pressure from family and relatives. Once I decided to attend culinary school, dating definitely took a back seat. I guess it just goes to show you that love can always happen when you least expect it to.
To anyone reading this that may be single, please know that it’s okay to be single. Even though you might be feeling pressure from society, family, and friends, being single gives you the time to know yourself and gives you the freedom to commit to yourself. Who knows what’s going to happen in the future? The pandemic already annihilated everyone’s vision for the future. In fact, I posted on Facebook about hitting back at the shit show that is 2020 by celebrating a happy moment when just hours later, RBG passed away and Weny sprained her knee getting out of the back seat of a Mini Cooper and is now in a knee brace and on crutches. Anything can happen, but you just need to put yourself in a position to succeed and take what life throws your way.

Parade Rained On...

But Ice Cream Makes Everything Better.